Couple of nice bucks

December 3, 2008

Here are some nice bucks taken on the island.  Everybody really enjoyed deer hunting on the island.

Alan, Parker and a really nice 8 point.

Alan, Parker and a really nice 8 point.

Great hog hunts

December 3, 2008

The hog hunting is really starting to heat up out on the island, the woods are clear of leaves and a couple of controlled, well semi controlled burns and we have really cleared a lot of land.   We are seeing a lot of hogs at the feeders and that is leading to a very high success rate right now.  

Hunt shots

December 3, 2008

We have been very busy hunting and that has not left a lot of time for updating the blog.  Here are some recent hunt shots. 

Chance and his multiple hogs, nice shooting!

Chance and his multiple hogs, nice shooting!